Special price: BahnCard Business 50, second class
50 % discount on flexible fares and 25 % discount on super saver and saver fares in second class
Further information: Special price: BahnCard Business 50, second class
249 Euro (instead of 313 Euro)
Order now: Special price: BahnCard Business 50, second class
Special price: BahnCard Business 50, first class
50 % discount on flexible fares and 25 % discount on super saver and saver fares in first and second class
Further information: Special price: BahnCard Business 50, first class
499 Euro (instead of 626 Euro)
Order now: Special price: BahnCard Business 50, first class
Special price: BahnCard Business 25, second class
25 % discount on super saver and saver fares (excluding City-Ticket) and flexible fares in second class
Further information: Special price: BahnCard Business 25, second class
35,99 Euro (instead of 72,90 Euro)
Order now: Special price: BahnCard Business 25, second class
Special price: BahnCard Business 25, first class
25 % discount on super saver and saver fares (excluding City-Ticket) and flexible fares in first and second class
Further information: Special price: BahnCard Business 25, first class
71,99 Euro (instead of 144 Euro)
Order now: Special price: BahnCard Business 25, first class
BahnCard Business 25, second class
25 % discount on super saver and saver fares (excluding City-Ticket) and flexible fares in second class
Further information: BahnCard Business 25, second class
72,90 EUR
Order now: BahnCard Business 25, second class
BahnCard Business 25, first class
25 % discount on super saver and saver fares (excluding City-Ticket) and flexible fares in first and second class
Further information: BahnCard Business 25, first class
144 EUR
Order now: BahnCard Business 25, first class
BahnCard Business 50, second class
50 % discount on flexible fares and 25 % discount on super saver and saver fares in second class
Further information: BahnCard Business 50, second class
313 EUR
Order now: BahnCard Business 50, second class
BahnCard Business 50, first class
50 % discount on flexible fares and 25 % discount on super saver and saver fares in first and second class
Further information: BahnCard Business 50, first class
626 EUR
Order now: BahnCard Business 50, first class
BahnCard 100 for business travellers, second class
100% discount: travel for free within Germany in second class
Further information: BahnCard 100 for business travellers, second class
4.899 Euro
Order now: BahnCard 100 for business travellers, second class
Trial BahnCard 100 for business travellers, second class
100% discount: travel for free within Germany in second class
Further information: Trial BahnCard 100 for business travellers, second class
1.459 EUR
Order now: Trial BahnCard 100 for business travellers, second class
BahnCard 100 for business travellers, first class
100% discount: travel for free within Germany in first and second class
Further information: BahnCard 100 for business travellers, first class
7.999 Euro
Order now: BahnCard 100 for business travellers, first class
Trial BahnCard 100 for business travellers, first class
100% discount: travel for free within Germany in first and second class
Further information: Trial BahnCard 100 for business travellers, first class
2.599 EUR
Order now: Trial BahnCard 100 for business travellers, first class