You do not agree with a decision regarding your compensation?
If you are not satisfied with a decision made by the Passenger Rights Service Centre, please also send your appeal to the Passenger Rights Service Centre (Servicecenter Fahrgastrechte, 60647 Frankfurt am Main). In the event of an objection, your application will be completely reassessed by another member of staff.
You do not agree with the processing of your objection?
If you are not satisfied with the handling of your objections by the railway company or to resolve disputes arising from the carriage of passengers and in connection with passenger rights, you can contact an arbitration body. In all other cases, we do not participate in voluntary dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Arbitration Committee (in German)
Schlichtungsstelle bundesweit |
Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr e.V. | Schlichtungsantrag Online-Formular Bahn |
Schlichtungsstelle Reiseschutz |
Sofern Sie mit der Beratung zum Reiseschutz nicht zufrieden sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an: | ||
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V. | Tel.: 0800 3696000 |
Schlichtungsstellen regional |
Nordrhein-Westfalen | Fax: 0211 / 3 80 96 66 | |
Niedersachsen/Bremen | Fax: 0511 16 68 96 20 00 |
Schlichtungsstelle im Ausland |
Republik Österreich | Tel.: +43 1 5050707 710 |
Nationale Durchsetzungsstelle für Fahrgastrechte |
Eisenbahn-Bundesamt |