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On which trains is the Deutschlandticket valid?

The Deutschlandticket can be used throughout Germany on all local trains such as RB, RE, S-Bahn trains (SPNV) and also on public transport such as buses, trams, subways, etc. (ÖPNV) of the participating state tariffs, transit authorities and transport companies in accordance with the area of validity and their conditions for any number of journeys. This applies regardless of which transport company, transit authority or national tariff is noted on the ticket itself. A Deutschlandticket purchased in Munich, for example, can therefore also be used for journeys in Frankfurt and the surrounding area.

Please note, however, that the Deutschlandticket is generally not valid on trains operated by DB Fernverkehr AG or other long-distance providers such as FlixTrain (e.g. IC, EC, ICE, but also RE of DB Fernverkehr AG). DB Fernverkehr is currently in talks with the federal states and local transport authorities about exceptions on certain sections of the route. The Deutschlandticket can be used before and after a long distance train. However, a separate ticket is then always required for the long-distance route. This has an impact on any passenger rights. If you miss the connecting long distance train, the train connection is not canceled and no refund claims can be made.

Furthermore, the Deutschlandticket is not valid on means of transport that are operated primarily for tourist or historical purposes.