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What if I want to take a bicycle with me with the Deutschland-Ticket?

Bicycle transport is subject to the respective tariff regulations of the nationwide ticketing system (Deutschlandtarif), the regional ticketing systems, transport associations and transport companies. If bicycles can be taken along free of charge at the time of travel on the line you use or in the tariff area through which you travel, you can also do so with the Deutschland-Ticket. If a bicycle ticket is required for a tariff area, this also applies to journeys with the Deutschland-Ticket. We have compiled all the relevant information on bicycle transport at (in German) and (in German).
Please also note any periods in which bicycle transport is not allowed in certain regions. Please be considerate towards other passengers. If a high volume of cyclists is expected from the outset, we will provide information about this in the travel information at, and in the DB Navigator and line agent apps.